Sean Sadimoen.
Labor Candidate for Ginninderra
Sean’s a proud Belco boy, a stand-up comedian and a public servant.
From working in a warehouse, to moving furniture, to sorting mail, Sean knows how it feels to work insecure jobs with low pay. Like so many young Canberrans, he knows what it feels like not knowing if you’ll have another shift rostered on next week. That’s why he’ll always fight for secure work with fair pay and conditions.
And having grown up in a small business family, Sean knows it’s not easy to run a business and raise a family at the same time. He saw his parents do it, and he knows the hard work and sacrifices it takes to make it happen. That’s why he’ll always advocate for Belco businesses, for the people that run them and the people that work in them.
Sean knows a strong economy comes first, because it helps create good secure jobs and the opportunities for local businesses to succeed.
And that's why Sean's running as a Labor candidate for Ginninderra.