Ravinder Sahni.
Labor Candidate for Yerrabi
M | 0402 210 975
Ravinder's a dad, a small business owner and a local community leader.
With his wife Sharan, Ravinder's raising his two daughters, Ishleen and Sejleen right here in Gungahlin.
And as a local small business owner, he knows how tough it can be to raise a family and manage a business. That’s why he'll always stand up for local businesses – for the people that run them and the people that work in them.
Alongside his small business, Ravinder's always tried to give back to his local community. That’s why when the pandemic happened and Canberrans were doing it tough, he stepped up to help prepare and deliver over 200 meals a day to those who needed it most.
Standing up for local businesses & helping those who need it most – that‘s what he's all about.
And that's why Ravinder's running as a Labor candidate for Yerrabi.