16 September 2024
Nurse-led care in local schools
Labor will continue to invest in our public health system to provide Canberrans with the right healthcare, in the right place and at the right time.
A re-elected Labor Government will establish nurse-led clinics in four public colleges to provide more access to health services for young Canberrans.
The nurse-led clinics will be staffed by Advance Practice Nurses who will provide preventive health services and education, mental health and sexual and reproductive health services.
The clinics will also provide treatment and care for wounds, concussions, minor burns and other minor injuries and illnesses.
Nursing teams will be located full-time at the college clinics and conduct visits and health sessions across other public colleges on a regular basis.
They will also work with an expanded School Youth Health Nurse Program visiting every public high school in the ACT so more young people can get health advice and support.
These new nurse-led clinics and expanded school nurse program form part of Labor’s commitment to hire 800 more health workers.
To complement these clinics, a re-elected Labor Government will employ 15 additional school psychologists or mental health practitioners to work in ACT public schools.
Many young people experience personal challenges with their schooling, family life or adolescent years. School psychologists will work with nurses, teachers and families to support young people to navigate these challenges and thrive in their school environment.
We know that accessing primary care can be expensive and challenging for families. These college clinics, additional staff and the expanded School Youth Health Nurse Program in high schools, will make it faster, easier and more affordable for young people to receive the care they need, taking the pressure off families.
Labor will always invest in our public healthcare system. We will hire 800 more health workers, expand services at our Walk-in Centres and deliver more health services across the ACT.
It is all part of our progressive, practical and proven plan for Canberra.
Statement ends
Media contact:
Kaarin Dynon 0422 772 215 [email protected]