19 August 2024
Labor’s Plan for Tuggeranong
A re-elected Labor Government will deliver a $20 million renewal package for Tuggeranong, including new playgrounds, revitalised local shops and better footpaths.
Combined with projects already underway in the region, a re-elected Labor Government will deliver more than $250 million in new and renewed infrastructure and services over the next four years.
It’s a practical and proven plan for Tuggeranong’s future. It’s a plan that’s based on the feedback ACT Labor candidates have been getting from local residents on ways to improve their suburb and their region.
Labor’s Plan for Tuggeranong includes the replacement of six playgrounds across the region, shop upgrades in Erindale and Chisholm, investment in both the Tuggeranong Lakeside Leisure Centre and the Erindale Active Leisure Centre and an upgrade of the Tuggeranong Skate Park.
Tuggeranong residents will see investment in a number of local sporting facilities under a re-elected Labor Government. This includes a new portable grandstand at Gordon Oval, female friendly change rooms upgrades, upgraded local cricket nets and a commitment to work with the Pines Tennis Club in Chisholm on their expansion plans.
Through the newly established footpath maintenance team in the ACT Government, a re-elected Labor Government will dedicate a $5 million fund to improve footpaths right across Tuggeranong.
Lake Tuggeranong is at the heart of the region, and the ACT Government has been working to improve water quality in the lake and deliver upgrades to the foreshore so that more residents and visitors can enjoy it.
This will continue under a re-elected Labor Government, with ongoing work on water quality and improvements to the Lake Tuggeranong path with widened paths and improved lighting.
A re-elected Labor team will also commence a new Rapid bus service for Tuggeranong residents, linking Lanyon Valley to the City.
These projects are in addition to major infrastructure projects already underway in Tuggeranong, including the new health centre in South Tuggeranong, major intersection upgrades along the Monaro Highway, duplication of Athlon Drive and a new ice sports facility.
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Media contact:
Kaarin Dynon 0422 772 215 [email protected]