11 September 2024
Labor’s apprentice package to support more homes and cost of living
Local apprentices and trainees will continue to receive cost-of-living support from a re-elected Labor Government, with a further $250 cost-of-living payment to be provided to all apprentices and trainees in training in 2025.
We will also make it easier for first year apprentices to get access to the tools and equipment they need for their trade, with an additional $250 payment ($500 in total) for first year apprentices and trainees.
In the last week, local thousands of local apprentices and trainees already received a $250 cost-of-living payment from the ACT Government for 2024, recognising the financial pressure many of them are currently facing as they undertake their study.
A re-elected Labor Government will also increase training subsidies to 90 per cent for apprentices and trainees in critical skills areas including plumbing, carpentry, bricklaying, air conditioning, landscape construction and more.
More support for construction trades will help to deliver Labor’s Plan for an additional 30,000 homes to build buy and rent by 2030.
We expect this new 90 per cent subsidy band to support around 1500 apprentices and trainees in its first year and grow over four years.
These measures will result in thousands of dollars in education expenses being covered to support employers and training organisations taking on apprentices and trainees to build more homes and deliver important services.
It’s in addition to the 90% subsidy for training electricians already funded in the Budget. Labor’s Apprentice package also extends the 90% subsidy to 20 qualifications from early childhood through to commercial cookery and training more VET teachers.
Labor has always worked hard to create and protect Canberra jobs. In 2020, we promised to create 250,000 local jobs by 2025. And that’s exactly what we did. Now we are working on a new plan to create 300,000 local jobs by 2030.
We know how important a good, secure job and we want to make sure that cost isn’t a barrier for Canberrans accessing the skills they need, for the job they want.
It’s all part of Labor’s progressive, practical and proven plan for Canberra.
Statement ends
Media contact:
Kaarin Dynon 0422 772 215 [email protected]