27 July 2024
A proven and practical plan for more housing
A re-elected ACT Labor Government will put in place a practical plan to enable 30,000 more homes for Canberra’s growing population.
We know that Canberrans want more homes to buy and rent across the city and Labor’s plan will deliver the housing future generations will need, while putting in place necessary environmental protections on sensitive land.
In the recent Budget, the ACT Government outlined a comprehensive land release program that will see tens of thousands of new homes built over the next four years. This includes both medium density infill sites and new suburban land that will give more housing choices, where people want to live.
A re-elected Labor Government will continue to work with the Commonwealth Government to provide thousands of new homes at the CSIRO Ginninderra site.
We will also work with Thoroughbred Park on their plans to provide additional housing opportunities as part of our plan to enable 30,000 additional homes in Canberra by the end of 2030.
In addition to new suburban housing, ACT Labor will also encourage the construction of new, well-designed ‘missing middle’ housing in established suburbs.
Following the development of a missing middle design guide, a re-elected Labor Government will make changes to the planning system to encourage the construction of low-rise housing in existing residential areas.
More housing choices like townhouses, terraces, row houses and duplexes in existing suburbs will address a key gap in the Territory’s mix of housing types.
We have heard from many Canberrans that they want to see renewal at their local shops. Labor will encourage new investment in these important community hubs by supporting additional housing at local shopping and group centres.
By encouraging mixed-use developments and ‘shop top’ housing, Canberrans will have access to more well-located housing options.
As a re-elected Labor Government continues to enable more housing across the city, we also have a plan to make it cheaper to buy a home as well.
For more than decade, ACT Labor has been reducing the upfront costs of buying a home in the nation’s capital by cutting stamp duty in every Budget since 2012.
And that will continue. Over the next four years we will progressively remove stamp duty for all first home buyers, pensioners and off the plan unit titled purchases. We will also remove stamp duty for all vacant land purchases for new housing.
This will apply no matter the buyer’s income, or the value of the new apartment, townhouse, duplex, or vacant land - as long as it is the buyer’s principal place of residence.
Through these measures, Labor will deliver early on our long-term commitment to fully abolish stamp duty for a number of property purchasers, prioritising owner occupiers that are buying their first home, pensioners looking to downsize, and those buying new housing through off the plan unit tilted properties or vacant land.
Ahead of the election in October, ACT Labor will continue to release further parts of our practical and proven housing plan for Canberra’s future, including our plan to build more social and affordable housing.
As more people choose to call our city home, Labor will continue to deliver the housing and infrastructure Canberrans need.
Statement ends
Media contact:
Kaarin Dynon 0422 772 215 [email protected]