Noor El-Asadi.
Labor Candidate for Murrumbidgee
M | 0413 820 379
Born in Iraq, Noor grew up in Denmark after her family was forced into political exile. Later, she would migrate to Australia with her partner and start a family here in Canberra with her three kids.
It was here that a great public education gave Noor and her family a chance to make a life together. She received her Year 12 Certificate at TAFE and a Diploma from the University of Canberra. She's currently studying her Bachelor Degree there too, while her three kids go to their local public school.
Noor knows the difference a good, public education can make - because she's lived it, and she sees it in her kids every day. That's why she'll always stand up for fully funding our public schools and work to make sure that every child has every chance to learn - no matter their background.
And with a young family and kids in sport, she knows how important free, public healthcare is for Canberrans. From the Weston Creek Walk-in Centre to more specialists and healthcare workers in our hospitals, Noor will listen and work to make sure every family can get the healthcare they need, closer to home.
Knowing from experience that it's not always easy migrating to a new country, Noor supports newly arrived migrants and refugees to access the services they need. She'll will always listen and work to give back to her community.
And that's why Noor's running as a Labor candidate for Murrumbidgee.