Mallika Raj
Labor Candidate for Yerrabi
Mallika's a lifelong Gungahlin resident, a small business owner and a professional healthcare advocate.
She's seen Yerrabi flourish into Canberra’s most thriving electorate, and sees every day around her the difference that community and opportunity make. That's why she'll work to make sure every Canberran has the community services they need, and the chance to get ahead in life.
Through Mallika's small business, she works with patients to help them get better health outcomes. She knows from experience that when small business and government work together, they can get a lot done.
As a professional healthcare advocate, Mallika works to make sure Australians have access to affordable medicines. She knows the difference practical measures like this make to families doing it tough. That's why she'll work to make sure Canberrans can get the healthcare they need, closer to home.
Following in her parents’ footsteps - people of modest means who believed that a life of serving others was a life well lived, she'll always stand-up for her community and work to make it even better.
And that's why Mallika's running as a Labor candidate for Yerrabi.