Taimus Werner-Gibbings.
Labor Candidate for Brindabella
M | 0494 106 717
Taimus is for Tuggeranong.
He grew up in Canberra and finished school at Lake Tuggeranong College (where his dad was a teacher). He’s a husband, a father, a neighbour-eyeing-the-mortgage cliff, and a community organiser in Tuggeranong.
Taimus has a vision for Tuggeranong. A vision of a positive and renewed community chosen by families that want to enjoy every chance in a wonderful place – just like his family did.
Taimus wants to be Tuggeranong’s loud and proud voice in the next Labor government. Working hard to renew our community by listening to your ideas, suggestions and concerns, standing for ACT Labor’s progressive values and by fighting for things that matter to you.
Three generations of Taimus’ family have benefitted from attending their local ACT public school. That’s why Taimus will promote Tuggeranong’s public schools, not just protect them. He wants to help make them even better with more opportunities for our children, such as learning a second language.
Taimus has also been a patient at the Canberra Hospital since 1999, when he was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes. His partner Libby works at the Hospital, so he hears what's working and also what more we can do. Taimus and Libby have three perfectly normal kids, so they’ve made a million visits to the Tuggeranong Walk-in Centre. That's why he understands the importance of improving access to good public healthcare in Tuggeranong, and why he'll work to deliver even better healthcare across our community.
After work, Taimus loves playing for, coaching at and supporting many Tuggeranong sports clubs and cultural groups (even when it's freezing). He wants to help them increase their participation and improve their facilities – because he knows it'll make us, and our community, stronger.
He's more invested in Tuggeranong’s success than ever.
And that's why Taimus is running as a Labor candidate for Brindabella.