Nelson Tang.
Labor Candidate for Murrumbidgee
M | 0431 545 132
Nelson's parents moved to Australia to give him the best chance in life. As newly arrived migrants, being in a country with good, accessible public education, public healthcare and public transport made a huge difference for his family. Without that, the rest of Nelson's story wouldn't have been possible.
Because of great local public schools that allowed him to get ahead, he could get a good job and then build a home in Curtin. And now he's got the chance to make a difference and build an even stronger community.
He's seen first-hand the transformations made possible with good public services, and wants every young person growing up in our local area to have the same opportunities he had.
That's why he believes in quality education, quality healthcare, and good local jobs - because he knows the difference they can make. It’s why he believes in making sure we have the right infrastructure in every suburb in our community – building a good public transport network, local shops and recreational amenities where you need them.
And it's why Nelson's running as a Labor candidate for Murrumbidgee.