Marina Talevski.
Labor Candidate for Kurrajong
M | 0494 130 691
Marina has dedicated over a decade to social policy and community/government services in Canberra– across homeless shelters, in the public service, as a government adviser and as a psychology and mental health researcher.
Her journey is driven by a belief in the power of government to transform lives for the better, especially for the most vulnerable in our community.
While we are fortunate as Canberrans to enjoy the incredible city that we have created, there is certainly more to do.
She understands from experience that there are no easy fixes to the challenges we face as a community. The only way to succeed is to work together, and to have more diverse voices and experiences at the table.
Using the experience of a Labor government, the strength of Labor values, and the compassion of Canberrans, Marina pledges to boldly tackle the challenges in our community head on.
Her priority is to keep Canberra progressive, and to work closely with the community to build a city that is more equitable, vibrant and inclusive than ever before, for generations to come.
A vote for Marina is a vote a new, bolder and more diverse generation of Labor.
And that's why Marina's running as a Labor candidate for Kurrajong.